It's been a while since any new posts have appeared, but it's been crunch time over here.
First, we've sent out CQ14 to the printer. So you should see the new issue on the newsstands in a couple of weeks.
Secondly, we just announced winners for CQ15! It's a great showing. The
list of winners is posted online. And because there were so many great pieces, we've decided to expand the winner's categories and include a new category, Runners-Up. The work of Runners-Up will be shown in our new online gallery premiering later this month. And as always our medal and merit winners work will be shown both in the magazine and now online as well. As soon as this new online gallery is up, we'll let you know.
And finally, the third item we've been working on is opening up the
CQ16 competition, but more on that later....